Blondes Living Boldly - A snapshot of life in Italy
Everyone wants to live la dolce vita right? But what is the reality of life in Italy? Join us two British 30 something's documenting and discussing the trials, tribulations and triumphs of living in Italy, attempting to maintain our mental and physical health, exploring the mountains around us, and delving into what makes female friendships so valuable. When it comes to our podcast, no topic is off limits, there is nothing we love more than putting the world to rights (or at least trying to) with a cup of coffee or a glass of vino in hand! If you've ever found yourself contemplating what life abroad might be like, or found yourself alone in a foreign country wondering what the f*** you're doing there, we are here to be your reassurance that you're not the only one. We hope you can learn a little something from the many mistakes we have made along the way and feel free to have a laugh at our expense, we are here every week! So grab a glass of your favorite tipple and join us! Cheers! https://RateThisPodcast.com/blondeslivingboldly https://patreon.com/blondeslivingboldly
57 episodes
Mamma Dearest
Today we thought we would take a minute to appreciate our own Mothers.. and to discuss whether the Italian Mother In Law stereotype is actually accurate.. we haven't done much testing in the field but we sure do have our own opinions!
Season 3
Episode 8

Real Estate Disasters and Dreams
We have lived in many apartment since moving to the Italian Alps, some of which have been great and others not so but we've had fun times regardless.When you've moved as many times as we have you soon learn what to look out for when ren...
Season 3
Episode 7

The truth about a seasonaire lifestyle
Sorry it's a day late! This week's episode is all about the reality of a "seasonaire" lifestyle, what to expect, what to avoid and many stories of our experiences back in the day when we were still classed as living the seasonaire life...
Season 3
Episode 6

All you need is Love.....
February means Valentines is nearly upon us, eek!!!Whether you celebrate this supposed "holiday" or not you won't be able escape the heart shaped balloons or soppy music being played where ever you go. We are lucky that the Italians eve...
Season 3
Episode 5

Real Friends and Red Flags
After a mini break we are back talking all things Friendship, what we value and what makes us wanna run for the hills (or mountains in our case). From never buying a round to wayy too much physical contact, it turns out we have a fair few frien...
Season 3
Episode 4

Fitness Blues
After blue Monday we thought we would use this episode to get some things off our chests. Mainly having a little moan regarding stigmas surrounding January and fitness.Why does Jan have to mean the start of a new fitness journey? or a n...
Season 3
Episode 3

Lessons From A Life Abroad
A little look at the advice we have received since living abroad along with the advice we never took and advice we wish we had had when we first moved out here. Living abroad or away from 'home' comes with challenges but that doesn't mean it is...
Season 3
Episode 2

Befana Bitches
Happy New Year! Hope you enjoyed the holidays if you were celebrating and has the much needed time off.Welcome back to Blondes Living Boldly, this is the start of Season 3, Yay!!For today's episode we decided to keep it short an...
Season 3
Episode 1

Feeling Festive
Your Christmas present from us... Possibly the most random episode we have ever done.. what can we say? We were feeling merry as F*ck! So enjoy the festive mix of a Christmas Quiz, Chats about our feelings on Christmas Cards and many a waffle!<...

Ghosts of Christmas Past
The countdown is on, only 11 days till Christmas! Are you as excited as we are?We thought for this week's episode we would continue with the Christmas spirit, including with our drink's choice. And let you in on a few of our childhood m...
Season 2
Episode 21

Eat, Drink, and be Merry not Guilty!
It's Christmas time, so what's on your plate?! We've been feeling merry and looking forward to all the wonderful treats that go along with this time of year.. but indulging has often come hand in hand with guilt in terms of our relationships wi...

Where there's a will, there's a way. Or maybe just an excuse ...
It's that time of the (podcast) month; Girl chat time! So... Excuses: why do we make them? This week's episode is all about why we put off doing things, big or small and the excuses we tell ourselves in doing so. There are so many type...
Season 2
Episode 19

My healthcare is better than your healthcare..
An apple a day keeps the doctor away.. or at least we hope! But sometimes going to the doctors is unavoidable.. so lets talk healthcare!Going to the Doctors is never a fun task, so you can imagine adding a language barrier doesn't make ...
Season 2
Episode 18

The Universe is for you
In this week's episode we are talking about 'The Universe', spirituality and our inner saboteurs. I think it's safe to say the majority of us struggle with negative thinking. We are no exception to this and have shared with you bef...
Season 2
Episode 17

🎵🎵🎵...I work out!
Staying active ain't no walk in the park.. so what is the "right" thing to do for you? Is it "better" to be a gym bunny or a home workout.. squirrel? We all have different bodies, as much as 'they' try to convince us we should all fit into one ...
Season 2
Episode 16

It's Quiz Night Witches!
Bonus Episode time and Happy 5th November!In the spirit of bonfire night/spooky season we thought we would bring you some bonus material in the form of a quiz. Because why not, everyone loves a quiz!SO, get your pen and paper re...
Season 2
Episode 15

"I've got a crush on you!"
It's that time again... Girl chat at your service!We love it when the time for a bit of girl chat rolls around as for us it's got to be one of the most natural things we do. I mean we have had a lot of practice. This week'...
Season 2
Episode 14

Halloween is LOOMING.. or is it?
Listen, we bloody love Halloween.. and Bonfire Night but as a Brit in Italy the traditions at this time of year just aren't the same! So we thought we'd be British about it and have a bit of a moan / compare the two!What are your favour...

Winter Hibernation
With winter fast approaching is "hibernation" on the agenda for you?In this week's episode we are discussing if locking yourself inside in the warm with a good film or book is better than getting out in the brisk fresh air this autumn/w...
Season 2
Episode 12

Seasons may change..
So the seasons have well and truly changed, we thought it was time to talk about whether its the weather for the great outdoors or the great indoors! Once the warm weather disappears do the hiking boots get put away along with the summer dresse...
Season 2
Episode 11

Girl Chat: Italy vs UK - Women vs Men
It's girl chat time again, Yay!So this weeks episode is a Italy vs the UK situ, with us delving into the differences we have noticed between Italian women and men vs their British counterparts. From how they act, look, dress and even flirt....
Season 2
Episode 10

We Are Family
This week we asked our lovely fellow expats and friends a few more questions to hear how they have managed creating their families Italy and what the main benefits and difficulties can be. As always we are giving our humble childless opin...
Season 2
Episode 9

What is a 'Summer' body?
As summer is kind of officially over and both Jade and I have finally been on our beach holidays we thought why not discuss the topic of the 'summer/beach' body. Are you like us and have felt this pressure to make your body look a certa...
Season 2
Episode 8