Blondes Living Boldly - A snapshot of life in Italy

Real Estate Disasters and Dreams

Jade and Emily Season 3 Episode 7

We have lived in many apartment since moving to the Italian Alps, some of which have been great and others not so but we've had fun times regardless.

When you've moved as many times as we have you soon learn what to look out for when renting a place or at least where you will compromise and where you won't. We have certainly learnt from the latter. It's now very much a case of knowing what we like and what we don't. Are you the same?

Follow along to hear the real estate disasters we have come across and the houses we one day dream of building/owning. What's on your wish list?

If you want to get involved or let us know what makes you a bold bitch, find us on instagram, sign up to our newsletter, check out our website or better still, do all three!


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